FAQs about Coinhako

FAQs about Coinhako

Fee and charges

How much are Coinhako fees?

We charge varying fees for using different features on our platform:

**Enjoyed reduced fees with Coinhako rewards

Transaction Type
Trade with SGD at spot pricing0.6%
Trade crypto pairs at spot pricing0.6%
Recurring Buys0.5%
Stablecoins-fiat trades (USDC/SGD, USDT/USD, USDC/USD, USDT/SGD, DAI/USD & DAI/SGD) 0.3%
 Larger OTC trades (more at www.coinhako.com/institutional)


Why are the buy and sell prices different?

You might have noticed that the buy and sell prices vary on Coinhako. This is due to the Spread, the difference or gap between the buy (offer) or sell (bid) price quoted on assets.

This is a typical cost that comes with trading any asset, and we work with the best in the market to pass on the best prices to our users.

As most financial assets are pegged against the US Dollar (USD), other fiat currency trading pairs like the SGD tend to face additional volatility.
For a more detailed explanation of SGD/USD spreads, click here.

Account and security

Is Coinhako safe?

Coinhako is committed to providing users with a secure cryptocurrency trading experience and is ISO-27001 certified. ISO 27001 is the leading international standard focused on information security. Published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in partnership with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO 27001 is part of a set of standards developed to handle information security. 

Why must I verify my account?

We require users to complete account verification to ensure our platform remains safe, accountable, and compliant with local regulations. Verify your account in less than 2 minutes with MyInfo.

How to use/manage 2fa on Coinhako?

As a company, our users’ safety is our top priority. We strongly recommend users set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to enhance the security of their Coinhako account. Read in full detail how to use two-factor authentication (2fa) on Coinhako

Crypto on Coinhako

What cryptocurrencies are on Coinhako?

We work to provide access to as many cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency services as possible. View the complete list of cryptocurrencies available on Coinhako.

Are stablecoins supported on Coinhako?

Yes, you can trade and store stablecoins on Coinhako. View the complete list of cryptocurrencies available on Coinhako.

What are Transfer limits?

Transfer limits refer to the total value of all assets you withdraw in a defined time — basically, the total full amount you can withdraw (in fiat) or send (in crypto). Transfer limits are monitored on a daily and 30-day basis. Transfer limits vary for each user and depend on your level of risk.

Does Coinhako set the crypto transaction fees?

Coinhako does not set the crypto transaction fees. When you send cryptocurrencies to another wallet/platform, network fees are charged and paid to the miners who maintain the blockchain network. Transaction fees may also fluctuate depending on how many pending transactions are on the network. During periods of high market activity, higher fees may be required to ensure a quicker processing time on the blockchain.


What can I do if my transaction is pending on Coinhako?

If you need to send crypto urgently, consider sending other tokens with less congested networks and lower transaction fees.

👉 Learn about crypto transaction delays

👉 More about Coinhako fees

Payments and funding

How can I fund my Coinhako account?

There are multiple ways for users to fund their trades. 

Deposit fiat from your local bank

FAST transfers

Ten minutes to be reflected in your SGD wallet.



Top up SGD within 60 seconds or less


Trade with fiat instantly

Card Payments

Buy crypto directly with your debit and / or credit card.



Buy crypto directly with your GrabPay wallet. Transaction fees apply.


Deposit cryptocurrencies into your Coinhako wallet

**View the complete list of supported assets on Coinhako.

Receive stablecoins

Users can deposit supported stablecoins on Coinhako to fund their trading activities

Receive supported cryptos

Users can deposit supported cryptocurrencies on Coinhako to fund their trading activities

How long do withdrawals on Coinhako take?

Withdrawing SGD via bank transfers

Processed within 48 hours.

**For withdrawals needing additional checks, please allow up to 3-5 business days.

If your withdrawal takes longer than the stated period, kindly drop our team a ticket with the transaction details.

Withdrawing cryptocurrencies

The withdrawal process is instant on Coinhako, but the time to receive the funds on the other end may vary.

The total duration of the transaction will depend on several factors, such as the build of the blockchain, the network traffic, and/or the network fees paid.

At Coinhako, we always ensure that our users pay an optimal amount in network fees for smoother and quicker transaction times.

How much does Coinhako charge for fiat withdrawals?

For SGD withdrawals, Coinhako charges a 2 SGD withdrawal fee.

For USD withdrawals, Coinhako charges a 50 USD withdrawal fee. 

About Coinhako

Where can I follow the latest news about  Coinhako?

We endeavor to deliver the most up-to-date and relevant information for our users via a variety of channels:

What is Coinhako? 

Coinhako, Asia’s most trusted platform for access to cryptocurrency services.

We have been serving the APAC market since 2014, and we are also one of the first exchange platforms to be licensed in Singapore.

Built on principles of safety, reliability, and seamlessness, we host a wide range of retail, institutional and high-net-worth users in the region.

Is Coinhako regulated?

In May 2022, Coinhako was granted a Major Payment Institution (MPI) license to provide Digital Payment Token services in Singapore.

As a homegrown company in Singapore, we work closely with regulators to comply with the Payment Services Act to continue being the premier cryptocurrency service provider for the local market.

Learn more about our license

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