Not receiving Coinhako emails?

Not receiving Coinhako emails?

Why Am I Not Receiving Coinhako Emails?

Not receiving our weekly email updates? Our emails may not be showing up in your inbox due to a variety of reasons.

Stay in the loop! Simply run through our checklist of items below to ensure that you receive the latest Coinhako and cryptocurrency updates.

**Please note that these steps apply to Gmail users only**


 Have You Checked Your Inbox For Coinhako Emails?

If our emails do not show up in your primary inbox, don't forget to check:

  • Your Junk/Spam folder 
  • Social / Promotions or other tabs  

YES, I have checked and Coinhako emails are filtered.

  • Emails end up in my Junk/Spam folder

No worries! Follow these instructions --> Move Coinhako emails out of your Junk/Spam folder

  • Emails are classified under other tabs (ie. Social or Promotion tabs)

No worries! Follow these instructions --> Redirect Coinhako emails to Primary Inbox (in Gmail)

I've followed the instructions but I still don't see Coinhako emails. 

Contact us at now!

YES, I see Coinhako emails in my primary inbox.

Great! Keep a lookout for our emails to stay updated with the latest Coinhako news!

Get The Latest Cryptocurrency Updates Delivered To Your Inbox :

A Step-by-Step Guide

Never miss an update again with these simple steps!

Move Coinhako emails out of your Junk/Spam folder

1. Check your junk/ spam folder for the email.

2. Login to your email account and whitelist our email address

Redirect Coinhako emails to Primary Inbox (in Gmail)

1. Login to your Gmail account.

2. In the search box at the top, click the Down Arrow Down Arrow.

3. On the pop-up screen:

- Type in the 'From' field.

- Select 'Create filter' at the bottom of the search window.

4. Check the 'Categorize As' box and select 'Primary' from the dropdown box beside it.

5. Select 'Create Filter' when you've done. 

For more information on how to create rules to filter your emails, please refer to this page .

If you require further information do not hesitate to contact us here or visit our Blog for the latest cryptocurrency updates.


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